Albert Einstein:

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"

Wednesday 8 June 2016


Yo Waddup People!!! hahahahaaha
for the 1st time, I'm gonna post a blog for our sweet yet two faced gurl.
Kinta Armanda!!! yaaayyy Happy Birthday for your 18TH year lolll.
Well no you can legally do stuffs dat you haven't done before #notrecommended.

So Ayways guys, remember we celebrate Kins B'day on her 17th B'day??
I just wanna bring it back hahahahaha. Cuz remembering it makes me nostalgic all of the sudden. I don't know about you guys though hehehe.
Lets recap it back!

Still remember this?? Kins B'day Poster dat she isn't proud of LOL.

This are the early bird people.

Kins Lil Bro dat is apparently BIG, oh sorry HUMONGOUS!!

Boys Discussing their boy business lol.


Who doen't like to be kissed

For the 1st time he came with a handsome style


Rachel doesnt want to get hugged by Jacky

Kinta's Awesome mom indeed llooll

Then Terry came with style

directly hugged rachel loll

zeee cakeee

she is curious about kins past
then our great lady has arrived from work #eeaakkkk

directly kinta reported to elisa dat jacky harrassed her , if dat is correct? 

our lovable gay of the year, Jacky Phua


our angels

well everyones here
 Now!!! You might be wondering. Where am I??? And 1 more person that Kinta love so much. The Queen of our class!! Well as Kinta's Knight, I'm on my way to fetch dat wretched queen. Well, the queen threathen Kinta if no one fetch her, she won't come to the party hahahahahaha. So i was given the task to do so with my trusty partner, the Grim Reaper Ryandy Anderson LOL.

 At this point we are back to fetch the Queen
Dinner TIME

The Princess and the Queen

Group Shot

our class B'day cake for Kinta

a selfish person indeed

but still lovable

HEHEHEHE so this is Kinta's B'day dat she had spend with us IPA YAY!!!
does this bring memories?? well it does, doesnt it?
well im gonna end it with a really mainstream phrase.
wish you all the best
This is your Boy Photographer dodography and peace out.


1 comment:


    No words for this ;~;
    Miss you guys so much!
    When I have the time and inspiration I'll be sure to try and write something nice for this blog!!! This blog is super precious

    Ahhhh time flies so fast yeah? It seemed like it was just yesterday that I was screaming bloody hell on my own enlarged face plastered in the wall (and a smaller version, on stupid cups and notebooks) and now!!! Now I'm pathetically nursing a flu on my 18th birthday. Goddamn.

    Anyways I'm so sad that I couldn't spend my birthday with you guys. You guys are the bestest bestest best!!! I know we've always said that we're the golden batch back during the day, but it never felt quite real until we are scattered all over the place, you know?

    Ahhhh anyways I'd like to thank you guys who have wished me a happy happy birthday (GLARING AT THOSE WHO DIDN'T). You guys never fail to make me smile, even from miles away. Your princess will wait for your humble presents so keep it until we meet! �� LOVE YOU ALL, MISS YOU ALL!!!

    PS: Thank you Dooooooo for the sweet sweet blog post, and thank you again to Daru for the sweet sweet art. Seriously, you guys spoil me waaaaay too much!

    Much loveeeee,
    Kinta ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧


Orange Drink Plastic Cup