Albert Einstein:

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"

Sunday 26 June 2016

Dance Practice For Our Flashmob

It's I Dodo!! wanted to blog again all of the sudden.
Cuz I just looked back of our old pics.
I'm now looking at our pics of practicing the flashmob dance.
Wat was the title again....???
OHHHH!!! I remembered, its Camp Rock 2 - It's a Brand New Day.
I seriously missed those moments.
I know some of you guys don't really think about it, but I'm really grateful to you guys.
Dat moment was one of my favourite, cuz i became useful to you guys (Our class to be exact) hehehe.
Even though not all of you guys join the dance, but I'm still happy to teach you guys.
1 of the reasons are also to have free times heheheheh.
Well here are some of the pics. I have to apologize to you guys 1st cuz not all of the pics cointains all of us and the pics are from Jovito's camera LOL. Enjoy the pics guys
This is your boy Dodography / Dodoexpress and PEACE!

I dont know wat the hell is grandpa doing....

Probably talking 18+ stuffs or maybe girls LOL

Our Greatest exaggerated person in class TERRY SINAGA!!


For the 1st time i saw Sasa's natural smile

The No.1, Angel and Snow White

We doing a good job guys~

I think too much practices makes Vane tired


OMG.... How Tragic

Caught playing phone at class

Girls again lol

"Notice me Amelia senpai~~~", said Jacey

Only I raise my legs upwards as high as I can


Trying to Prac. B-BOY hehehe
If i got the chance to meet you guys
I'll show you guys how much training have I done

Chattering again but this time maybe about life?


So Adorable

MIchelle Geraldin~~ the coolest lol

Do they not notice people ar taking a wefie behind them??


This is the part where i got scolded for not dancing with passion.
Because of this, I'm very grateful to you guys, like seriously.
I've become what I am now.

Caught again of bullying an innocent princess

I wonder... what is she thiking about...
Me?? hahahahahahahah just kidding

Sasa is done thinking, now the kid joined in lol.

Greatest free timing teacher ever!!!!

Bad Grandpa.

1 comment:

  1. ❤️❤️❤️i miss all of these too dododododo!!


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