Albert Einstein:

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"

Saturday 31 December 2016

Third Pajamas / Sleepover / Christmas Party

Dec 23rd, 2016 @Kinta's House

Dec 24th, 2016 [3:44 pm] Yesterday night was such a blast, at least for me, and I hope those of you who joined did feel the same way. Over the time, it is undeniable that we all have changed. A bit or much. For the good or bad. And to be honest, while I have been looking forward to our annual Pajamas Party for Christmas gathering, and how excited I was to know who my Secret Santa was and what he/she would bring me, I was at the same time a bit anxious out of how yesterday was gonna turn out. Would we still be the IPA family I knew years back? Cracking jokes that only us could understand? Playing games and laughing so hard during the games itself? And giving out silly punishments for losers, or even the winner if he is bulliable (you guys know who)? And so on… Anything could happen in just a day. And after yesterday, if I were to tell one thing about IPA, it would be that IPA remains as solid as we have always been – this answers all the not-needed doubts that once crossed my mind.

I am trying to be descriptive of anything I could think of right now, hoping to keep these memories fresh whenever we recall about them.
  1. Our gathering venue is Kinta’s house with/without her agreeing to it or even knowing it in the first place.
  2. We all understand what ‘5pm at Kinta’s house’ really means. There follows the ‘aku agak telat ya’ messages on our WhatsApp group chat.
  3. Soon after everyone had gathered, we sat in a circle and started the gift exchange sesh. We had to guess who each of our Santa was only then we could open the gift. Everyone put a great effort in preparing the gift. Our dear friend, Daru, joined Secret Santa.
  4. Thank you to my aesthetic santa <3
  5. I am an aesthetic santa, too. HEHE
  6. We had games. The first game was Truth or Dare where Peot was the first victim and she got a Dare. Kinta and Herlisman got Truths. We then played this game initiated by Elisa where we had to point out which statement out of the three is a lie. We also played ‘Concentration’ game where Chelsy, Peot, and Jacky lost and were punished to sing “Old MacDonald Had a Farm’ HAHAHA. Finally, the most entertaining game of the night was Bang Bang (Idk if this is the name of the game). I was no good in games and even stood stoned figuring why Diana did not die when she was banged. And when I did, I was supposed to be dead but luckily Herlisman was just as blur as I was so I banged him first muahaha. But soon after, I ousted myself when Dodo was actually the one banged… Finally, Jacky won over Peot at the final stage.
  7. Kinta, our cute and aegyo-ish dongsaeng and our host, made us each a Christmas card and gave us chocolates too. Thank you, Kin!
  8. Sasa never fails to be on-the-spot gamemaker. And oh, thanks for arranging this Secret Santa thing! <3
  9. Terry is in my opinion, the best story teller ever. There will always be something to laugh at even though she is sharing some serious talks.
  10. Chelsy should put some kind of meter to read how many times she touches her hair when she tells stories.
  11. Jacey, with her magic hands, wrapped the nicest gift (yes, she could have won if there was an award for it).
  12. Sindy is always fierce. No doubt, her title as The Queen beholds. Oh, that night, we ordered McD but it took almost forever to reach us. It turned out the deliveryman came but couldn’t notify us because he called 031… instead of 0831… Grrr-_- Thanks to Sindy who called to find this out and asked McD to deliver it again. Plus, she requested the food to be newly cooked. *claps*
  13. Jacky is forever bullied and the rest of the class has always expected a great show from Sindy and Jacky.
  14. Never tells stories when Nana is not around because she is gonna ask you to repeat the whole thing. Hm, I am not putting it correctly. The thing is, most of the time she only pops out when the story has ended or even though she joins in since the beginning of the story, she will shamelessly ask ‘Apa…? Ulang… Hah… Cepat, cerita lagi.’
  15. Peot just arrived in Batam in the afternoon and rushed straight to the party in the evening. Because of the strategic position she sat at during gift exchange session, most of us thought Peot joined Secret Santa and unavoidably called her name out while guessing who each of our santa was. Okay, this should sound just like a normal misunderstanding but everyone, including herself, made it sound like she was accused of killing someone.
  16. Vanessa grew to like her hair shorter and shorter now. Still the heboh Vanessa, after all.
  17. Jovito, like in previous meetups, talked much about studies (hi5, engineering geek!).
  18. Yeny showed up, like finally! I hope I am not exaggerating because I was shocked by her presence for how long it had been since I last saw her.
  19. Dodo was being cheerful and helpful like usual.
  20. Ryandy……sombong. And weirder.
  21. Jeven was his usual self – IPA’s cute and quiet Jeven.
  22. Herlisman became much more tanned now. And, he mentioned during the ToD game about not going to Germany anymore due to visa issues.
  23. Ryandy, Jeven, and Herlisman did not join Secret Santa, too.
  24. We spent the rest of the night chilling out, having snacks, and waiting for the McD delivery. Some of the girls just sat and talked, others were playing games, etc.

As we all realize, we have the qualities every high school class would ever dream of having. We are geniuses, artists, sportsmen, great story tellers, debaters, jokers, gamers, writers, who are as well the future doctors, businessmen/women, engineers, architect, musician, pharmacist, and so on. Be proud!!! I am quite the silent person but yesterday, I talked a lot. Although I was just feeling a bit better from having toothache, fever, flu, and sore throat all at once the other day, and knowing that I was gonna have a sleepless night again like I always did in previous pajamas parties, I could not stop myself from not staying over. I rarely talk to you all these days but just to let you know, I am always thankful to be a part of IPA! Our togetherness could always bring up old memories. 

Since some of us weren’t able to participate in this year’s pajamas party, let’s have a quick view at our previous occasions. Randomly picked some photos here because there are too many. Old but gold~

IPA's 1st Christmas Party (2014)

IPA's 2nd Christmas Party (2015)

Fiona's, Terry's, and Yeny's Birthday Party + Hide and Seek 

Fiona's, Terry's, and Yeny's Birthday Party, again!

Farewell Party

Dalvina's Birthday Party

Team Building Camp

World Children's Day

IPA conquered 'em all

Painting, checked!

Dinner at Vista

CNY 2015

Bikin Tempe :p


Prom Night 2015

Yuli's Birthday Party

Yes, I started this right after I had a few hours of nap when I got home. But, due so sudden plans and outings and busyness and laziness, I only continued and brushed this off yesterday night till just now. I tried my best to recall everything and write accordingly. Sorry if I forget or remember anything wrong.

By the way, this is me, Amel. First time blogging for me and also the first post by me for IPA's blog. For those of you who are concerned of how I am doing, I am doing fine. Many of you said I’ve become skinnier. Actually, I have lost 1-2 kgs since I started university life. It may be due to the change in sleeping and eating patterns. Some of you might have noticed I used to sleep early and eat 5 times a day, and the healthy meal I used to always have for lunch. Nowadays, I eat out so it is less healthy. It is also quite hard to find fish at food stalls in Malaysia, or in my place I should say. I barely exercise and become less fit, too (no muscle bruhhh). Err, sounds sad? Hahaha. But I have been trying to resolve this out plus now I am back in Batam and will only go back to Malaysia after CNY, so yay!

And oh, today is New Year’s Eve!


  1. 💕💕💕💕💕i wish everyone will keep on posting like this. Love this post so much, it let me imagine the vibe of the events when i'm absent. thankyou meruuu 💕💕

  2. Still getting weirder and weirder, thank you for your concern :)

  3. I read this again today, Omg i really love this post ;_; ...
    years just passed..
    thanks again meruu <3<3


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