Albert Einstein:

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"

Friday 1 January 2016


Happy 2016 peeps!

It's a new year again and naturally one would look back and evaluate the past year. How was 2015 for IPA?

It was definitely saddening for us separate and go on our own ways, but obviously it was not evadable. A lot of us went separate ways in different countries and cities. Monica and Dalvina went to Japan, Billy went to Shanghai, Edyanto to Taiwan while Michelle left for States. Amelia and Dixon went to Malaysia, while Jacey, Diana, Chin Lek and Yuli went to Singapore. Most of us went to Tangerang, including Aldo, Fiona, Kinta, Jovito and Vanessa. Some others like Rachel went to Jogja, while Martyn left for Bandung and Vivian to Medan. Surely some of us stayed in our base camp, including Chelsy, Yeny, Jeven, Ryandy and Sindy. While some of us haven't yet left for college, we are also starting to have a sight of our future path. Terry got admitted into Medicine in UPH, joining the others in Tangerang, hopefully together with Jacky who's in the midst of preparing his portfolio. Herlisman's back from learning his German, and hopefully he can achieve his goals this year too. And I too would be leaving to Singapore hopefully by this April. It was good to see that every one of us has found our desired or designated path; and it is always cool to see how we are sprawled across the globe, striving for a day where we can meet altogether again with an eased mind.

I was taking a look back on my past year looking at my picture album, then I realized how my first half year was filled with pictures, while the latter half having barely nothing. It was because of your presence that my first half year was filled with joy; thank you for being part of those great memories in 2015, IPA.

My pick for the best moment would be Farewell in Vista. Until today, those images are still vivid in my mind; the smell of the wind and the sunlight. And also, thumbs up to the person who placed that picture in this blog's header, it was by far the best picture.

2016 will be good for us all, Happy New Year my folks!

1 comment:

  1. Happy to read this post!
    Thankyou, It was I who placed that picture in this Blog's header ^^
    Happy New Year to you too!
    May you achieve your goal for this year too! :)


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