Albert Einstein:

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"

Friday 9 May 2014

Of Blissful Birthdays and Unfortunate Deaths(?)

Hello everyone! After much pestering from our self-proclaimed class president (he is more of a homework collector, really), I have decided to write an update about the happenings from the last post (dated April 12, 2014) and today (May 9, 2014). Be warned that I tend to ramble a lot and there are a lot of pictures to share, so this blog might get a little lengthy and boring ^^;;

April 29, 2014

Can you believe that this little girl is seventeen?

Princess Queen Dimple's cake <33

Before you say anything else, I'm aware of the fact that Sindy's birthday falls on the 28th, but shush—forgive us for being (a day) late! It's just that we don't want it to be rushed and half-hearted and decided that it was a better idea to be late but more prepared... Okay, maybe it was still not 'more prepared' because I remember us fumbling with the lighter while yelling at people to watch the door and distract Sindy. I think we even lied about the teacher calling her and had her go to the faculty room. Sindy is pretty sharp and she might have figured it out when we practically held her and prevented her from coming in thanks to the faulty lighter, but her dimples were showing and in the end everything worked out fine.

May 2, 2014

The title above must've been very misleading but fret not—no one died, really. We are still a whole class of ten boys and eighteen girls, still IPA students, still struggling with this thing called Fisika. Four innocent little creatures did die that day though, and it was sad because we were the one killing them... But hey! It was for Biologi, so hopefully that didn't count as a sin.

After the flag ceremony (which I deliberately skipped), we started fussing over the four animals: a fish, a bunny, a pigeon and a hamster. Apparently, the fish died earlier on, maybe because it could foresee being cut alive and chose to die instead (but also maybe because Diana didn't give it a change of water). The bunny died the day before too, and Jacky had to buy another because the smart bunny also didn't want to be cut open and have its organs prodded. The new bunny, however, remained stubborn even after being trapped inside a plastic container filled with alcohol cotton pads. It probably made Bu Eri go crazy because Jovito and Jacky kept on going back and forth between Kimia and the container. Meanwhile Herlisman suggested letting the pigeon drink the alcohol because it hadn't been fed anything since it was bought the day before—of course, we refused vehemently. The hamster, on the other hand, was strong and only passed out when it was nearing the start of Biologi period, which was actually great.

The MVP of the day would probably be Jovito, who killed the bunny quite violently and made almost everyone cringe because dear God why are you slapping the poor bunny. The poor thing made these painful squealing noises and thinking of it still makes me shudder even now. Our pigeon was strong despite its most likely empty stomach, not ready to die yet even after being twisted at the neck (by Jovito, of course) and drenched with water (by our second MVP, Herlisman). It was not exactly a pleasant memory to me, but hey, this is IPA and it's almost mandatory for every IPA students to dissect at least one animal (five for us).

The Fish Group — Amelia, Diana, Edyanto, Fiona, Sindy, Vivian, Yuli

The Bunny Group — Dixon, Jacey, Jacky, Jovito, Martyn, Rachel, Ryandy

The Dove Group — Billy, Chin Lek, Dalvina, Herlisman, Kinta, Michelle, Yeny

The Hamster Group — Aldo, Chelsy, Elisa, Jeven, Monica, Terry, Vanessa

May 8 - 9, 2014

It was pretty epic how Elisa entered the class while we were doodling on her table and we had to scramble to our seats and act nonchalant only to go back to scribbling on her desk right in front of her a few minutes later. It turned out pretty great compared to the previous plain blue, thankfully. The conclusion for this beautiful "art" is that: 1) Not only Dalvina can draw, Rachel can draw too! 2) Aldo, we're sorry for your pencil colors. 3) Cockroaches are pretty hard to draw. 4) Chelsy and Terry will get boyfriends hopefully soon! 5) The more pencil colors you use, the better.

I would write out the names of the owners of the hands, but I couldn't tell which hand is whose ;;;

We revamped Elisa's desk ; u ;

She must've thought that that was the end of our surprise, but of course it wasn't; cakes are a must when it comes to birthday events! Before anything else, I want to thank Pak Donal once again for lending us his time to make room for this surprise. It was her third (I think) cake of the day and she still wasn't smiling, just putting that 'cool' expression on her face and nodding along to our singing. Tsk, tsk. 

(Sorry for the LQ photo!) Her expression one second before seeing her gif.

The preparation for Elisa's birthday was fun—mainly because we shared her 'pictures' at the group chat and laughed over it. It was a pretty difficult to just choose three, but we had to and these are the three pictures that took the cake!

(By the way, Sa, the picture at the top is my recommendation c;)

Elisa's official birthday celebration was held just today alongside Chin Lek and Rachel. They treated us to pizzas, donuts and a variety of drinks that had us salivating. Before the eating part, though, was the cake! Chin Lek and Rachel both looked positively delighted when we turned off the light and sang them the birthday song. If there were to be anyone happier than them—it would be us, obviously. I mean, you don't get pizzas and donuts for free on a daily basis...

The birthday girls and their cake <33

We spent two hours just stuffing foods into our mouth and it was a great day thanks to them! We cheered together and Amelia came over just before her flight; by the way, we wish you the best of luck with the competition there, Amel! We know you can do it <33

With Teacher Raul, we are IPA man! \0/
PS: Aldo, thanks for always sacrificing your camera time TT


"The way I see it, you should live everyday like it's your birthday."

I was planning to upload more pictures and write more, but my internet is going down because and the pictures won't appear no matter what I do ;;;; I think I wrote long enough already, though, so I will stop here! Once my internet is faring better, I'll make sure to edit all the errors and possibly upload more pictures so stay tuned, yes? c;

Just in case you haven't caught on, all along this has been:

Thanks for the drawing dal <33


  1. are you bias cos elisa's post is longer than sindy's, and chinlek&rachel's ?

  2. one level on top, are you jealous because kinta likes elisa more?

  3. It's seems that there are quite a lot of emoticons which normal humans can't understand, i wonder what those means. hmmm


Orange Drink Plastic Cup