Albert Einstein:

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"

Saturday 7 May 2016

Mini Batam Hangouts

A little Updates to our mini hangouts :

April 30 : Celebrating Clora's birthday at Chillax then to Tea Story, playing BANG!

May 4    : Went to Kinta's House with Jacky Phua.

May 5    : Saint Cinnamon with Kinta, Clora and Ryandy, and Jacky Phua (being late for hours)
                    >> played BANG! again.

May 7    : Broadband Cafe with Kinta, Sasa, Ryandy, Jacky Phua ~
                And a little coicidence meeting Terry <3

And ...

Hey, It's 8th Of May already!!

Our First Proud digital comic strip with Kinta and Jacky Phua.

We made this when we had our time together at Kinta's :"D

I wished we could have made an art like this for everyone .><.

Happy Birthday to Our Beloved Elisa Tan <3

I hope you liked this from us !!

This is the shorten size for desktop view ~

P.S !!
The digital comic strip is based on a true event that happened during our IPA days!

Taadaa !!

Spot Challenge !!
Try spotting : Clora, Kinta, Diana, Jacky, Peot, Pito, Vanessa, Blueband, Terry, Chelsy, Amelia!

Hoping we could make another one when Kinta and Daru meets again!

Tho we couldn't see everyone, and probably couldn't gather big like before,
but we're still bond by one !

See you all soon !!

Much Love <3

Orange Drink Plastic Cup