Albert Einstein:

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"

Saturday 12 April 2014

Jan-April 2014

Yeah! Hello everyone!

Well, since no one is really updating this blog, so I guess I have to do it again. Someone, please write T__T ; this is a class blog, but no one wants to write. Huft.

Okay, so what’s the deal? How many months have passed? Around 4-5 months, right? So, during this time, a lot of things happened.

First of all, we got into the 2nd term, so as usual, everybody’s still working hard, and we’re still striving to be the best. So let’s leave those hardships alone, and talk about the fun.

So the first holiday-s was the Chinese New Year. This is when everyone is so excited, yeah you know, wearing new clothes, eating good foods, and errhmm the pocket money. And then it was Valentine’s, where we have the Senior Prom Night. Everyone’s wearing gowns and suits, and they look all beautiful and handsome.

And then soon it was the Foundation’s Day! Our school’s birthday! So we celebrated it with a lot of events for a whole long week. We have the English League, Mandarin Competition, Sports Festival, Booths, and Talent Show – Mondial in Concert. Some of our classmates joined in few competitions, including debate, mandarin speech, and basketball competition. Some also showed their talents, including dance and mini orchestra. So here are some pictures:

Mondial English League (Debate)
Our class' Horror Booth!
Make-up Artist of the day
Our cute maknae ^o^
And after Foundation’s we have the Mondial Fun Run. So what is it? Guess, we marched – some ran some walked – from our school, Jalan Yos Sudarso, until our new building, near Ocarina! Rain descended and splashed upon us, nevertheless, we succeeded!

And then aside from school’s activities, we also managed to have some time out together. So we catch-ed movie together, had birthday bashes, and gathered together.
Divergent <3

Two 28th of March and a 29th of March 

Amel's, Vivian's, and Billy's birthday celebration

Thank You Mr. Tongsis
12th of April

Performers of the day with the birthday girl

 Yeah, these are the events that happened lately. Pardon me for any incompleteness. This is Elisa Tan,  and goodbye!

Orange Drink Plastic Cup