Albert Einstein:

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"

Sunday 12 January 2014

New Year, New Semester, New Everything!

Yo yo yoooooo~
Sup' guys! I hope your day is as great as mine, Hahahaha!
Since you know, Elisa, the one who created this blog handed us (SMA 2 IPA) the username and password to this blog. And I'm also finished with all my school stuff, I decided to put some sparks and colors to this class blog of ours! HAHAHAHAHA.

As we all know, 2013 has just passed in the blink of an eye and BOOM! it's 2014 now.
So basically, it's the new year! YUHUUUUUUUU *Celebratory songs playing in the background*.
Hahahahahha, yeah yeah, I know it's the 12th of January already but it's good to still have those kinda new-year spirits right ?

So talking about new year, what is the one thing you can't forget about?
Yeap! New Year's Resolution!
Everybody out there gotta have a New Year's resolution right ? (Even if most of us forgets about it the next day, HAHA)
If you don't have one, then you better get one! It's nice to have a goal every year, it helps us learn and flourish as a person.
But remember, willing without doing is useless. You need to exert effort, a definite amount of work that will ascend you closer towards your goal. To motivates you guys, I'll show you guys a quote I really love by Martin Luther King Jr. :

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward"

So what's your New Year's Resolution ? Whatever it is, I hope it's something good and benefit-able to you and everyone around you. I hope it wouldn't end up like this :

Hahahahha, Isn't it cute? lol
Enough about the new year thingy.
In our school (Mondial), we just recently start our new semester on the 6th of January.
And we just received our report card yesterday! For my results? Well I was kinda disappointed.

So when I was sitting at my class with my mom and Mr. Raul, our class adviser. He hand me my report card. So I open my report card and flip the pages slowly, chanting in my head "One one one one one one" and when I reach a certain page, I saw something that shocked me.

"Peringkat 2 dari 23 siswa" (Translation: Rank 2 from 23 students)

Dude! Forget about 1st rank, 2nd rank is already good as hell man!
Immediately I look at my mom and screamed like a little kid who just received a chocolate.
But then my happiness doesn't last long.
It ended when Mr. Raul said :
"Nooo, that's the ranking for your SMA 1 class".
And I was like "Dangggggggggg man". So when I look at the real results, I was ranked 4 out of 27 students, not bad huh? hahhahahaha, but still it's really sad since I dropped from 2 to 4.

When I reached home, I hurriedly whatsapp Diana and Amelia to ask them to take a pic or their report card (I wanna ask Dalvina too but since I saw her report card at school, I don't need it anymore) because they're the one who kicks my ass and pushes me up to rank 4. And to my amaze I found out something. Diana isn't Ranked at the top. It's Amelia who's ranked 1st among us.(Congratulations Amelia)
Yeap, no kidding. Diana Huang, the super "diligent"(kiasu) student didn't succeed in getting rank 1. I was kinda happy when I first heard of that news(No offense Diana). I'm not happy that Diana didn't get rank 1 so don't get the wrong idea. I'm just happy to know that if there is someone out there who can wins against Diana, then why can't I ? lol

But one part of me is kinda sad that she didn't get the first place. Because man, you just angered the tigress by stealing her food lol. So I'm guessing thing's are about to get rough in this semester LOL. (I'm just hoping no one's gonna come out of the class with a black eye one day lol)

So far I haven't mentioned my name. Not even once on this blog post, but I think by now you may have guessed who I am already right? Hahahahhahahaha.
Yeap! You're Correct! I'm Edyanto!


I'm Jacky.
(I don't think Edyanto would ever have the time or even the interest to write a blog post! lol)

For this year, I'm gonna work extra hard to fulfill one of my New Year's Resolution.
And that is to get the 1st rank.
I hope you guys can work extra hard on fulfilling yours too!
I wish you luck on your journey for this year 2014!
Banzai! (I don't know what that means, it just sounds cool lol)
Orange Drink Plastic Cup