Albert Einstein:

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Day One

Hello peeps! This is the first post ever!

Anyway, this is just a school project, so perhaps we'll just be updating once in a while.

So what should I type? Nothing actually. Hmmm, I'll just introduce our class members, should I?

Alright, first of all, our class consists of 27 students. The cute and talented Newton's Kids! With our superman adviser Mr. Raul who can do almost everything, we are working our way towards the finish line. Go IPA!

So we have this basketball player who keeps on denying his abilites, our class' president, Jacky. Next is our strict vice president, the future doctor, Chin Lek. And then our cute secretaries, the artist, Dalvina and the violinist, Diana. Our class' treasurers, the scanner brain, Sindy and the professional chess player, Ryandy. We also have these dance masters, Aldo and Amelia. And then another future doctor, Rachel. Next will be our professional debater, Vivian. Aside from that, we have these future celebrities, Yuli and Vanessa. We also have this someone you never want to mess with, our miss taekwondo, Yeny. And then the beautiful princess who is super expressive, Chelsy. Our grade 7 pianist, Kinta. Then our Miss Cinderella, Fiona. The quiet princess combo, Monica and Jacey. And also our Newton's Kid band lead singer, Terry Sinaga. The quiet and shy duo, Jeven and Dixon. Our great table tennis players, Edyanto and Herlisman. Our IT master, Billy. Not to forget our cute little brother, Martyn. And the last but not the least, the super active, super cool guitarist, also the master in taekwondo and our master chef, Jovito Charless (he will be super happy if he sees this).
credits: dalvina yeo

I guess that's it. That is just a brief introduction about them.

Oops, and also for your information, this is Elisa Tan from XI IPA writing.

If fate brings us together, we will meet again, at least though these writings.

That's all from me, bye~
Orange Drink Plastic Cup